District of Düren grows

The information and service portal for the growth campaign

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Martin Baumann is the Structural Change Manager for the district of Düren. He keeps an eye on the intermeshing of the various subject areas and the development of the district as a whole. The future of the district is a matter close to his heart.

Several municipalities in the district have filled their employment positions as structural change managers, and these take care of the challenging tasks and also make the most of opportunities for implementing change on-site. Martin Baumann, Structural Change Manager for the district of Düren, is driving forward the development of the network and is also the contact person for a broad range of issues concerning the district and its municipalities.

There are a diversity of things to do from project to project in order to successfully shape structural change.

„I aim to support the municipalities and the district as much as possible in their projects, whether that’s in the optimisation and acceleration of processes, communicating with subsidy providers and authorities, project financing or coping with bureaucratic difficulties. Structural change is a team effort, so teamwork is really important to me as well.“

Martin Baumann, Strukturwandelmanager Kreis Düren

Child of the district with expertise

Martin Baumann lives in Niederzier and grew up in the district of Düren. The graduate agricultural engineer manages his parents’ farm and, after working as a hail estimator for an insurance company, was involved in various tasks for the Office for Veterinary and Consumer Protection: cross-compliance inspections, animal husbandry and farm inspections, feed inspections and sampling as well as auditor for a national internal audit system and quality management representative.

He loves the diverse landscape here, the many appealing villages and the people. It is a matter of much importance to him that the district of Düren continues to be worth living in and that it develops positively in the future.

What is structural change all about?

At least since announcing the phase-out of lignite mining, the district of Düren has been undergoing a process of transformation. If we see the challenges as chances and also widen our horizons, the district of Düren will be fit for the future in a variety of ways.

It’s all about sustainable and innovative jobs, the expansion of renewable energies, sustainable and ecological reorganisation and redesign of the landscape, mobility, people and companies – ultimately in fact, the future of coming generations.

„I’m personally committed to actively shaping the process of change in our region and making the best possible use of the opportunities that we’ll be given. The district of Düren and its local authorities should become even more attractive for people in the future.“

Martin Baumann
