District of Düren grows

The information and service portal for the growth campaign

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The district of Düren is placing the subject of sustainability on a broad foundation – ecologically, socially, culturally and economically. A wide-ranging brochure presents specific projects of the municipalities.

If understood correctly, sustainability is a broad field of important building blocks. Diverse projects in the individual municipalities of the Düren district contribute to a sustainable and liveable future for our region.

Discover everything being done in the Düren district regarding sustainability!

Simply download the current brochure as a PDF: Sustainable Development in the District of Düren

It’s well worth reading.

What can you find in the sustainability brochure?

You can find numerous sustainability projects, both in text and images, in the brochure – the concrete measures of the individual municipalities. The projects relate to the following areas:

  • Social justice, lifelong learning & culture
  • Climate impact adaptation & conservation of resources
  • Housing & sustainable neighbourhoods
  • Global responsibility & one world
  • Good work & sustainable management
  • Sustainable energy & mobility

In the district of Düren sustainability is not only thought about comprehensively, but also put into practice with foresight and on location, both on a large and small scale. Everything belongs together, everything is relevant.

And if you’re particularly interested in individual projects: click on the links in the brochure to gain more detailed information!

Not only wanting, but doing

In March 2022 all 15 district municipalities signed a joint sustainability declaration entitled Miteinander.Nachhaltig.Wachsen [Growing.Sustainably.Together].

The meaning and content of the declaration can be found here: Sustainability Declaration

This brochure demonstrates that this is not just a declaration of intent. It will also continue to expand and be supplemented with new projects from the municipalities.

Always find the latest version here as a PDF: Sustainable Development in the District of Düren
